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Tips On Caring For A Marble Floor The Right Way

Lots of consumers are opting to install stone flooring in their homes. These additions are aesthetically beautiful. They are also durable and virtually guaranteed to last throughout the years. This is only true, however, when consumers make every effort to care for these surfaces properly. Following are a few tips that you can use when establishing your marble floor care plan.

It is first important to note that you want to avoid sweeping these surfaces as much as possible. Even a broom can cause serious damage if it is used to move highly abrasive materials across these floors. This is vital to note when attempting to clean up broken glass or other sharp, hard items. Sweeping can lead to long, deep scratches that are very easy to see and quite difficult to remove.

Using a vacuum to suction up loose debris will keep you from dragging potentially abrasive materials across these valuable surfaces. This will extract sharp and abrasive materials without giving them the chance to move back and forth across the floor. It is the absolute best way to clean this type of flooring in high-traffic areas. You should also think about putting mats down by entryways and in any other spaces in which dirt, dust, debris and other particulates are likely to get tracked back in.

When using a vacuum on your stone floors, make sure that you are not dragging any hoses or attachment. You should also avoid using heavy, rolling designs that might dig deep gouges of their own. It is far better to use a simple, hand-held unit and to only focus on a very small section of the flooring at one time.

Remember that stone surfaces, irrespective of the type of stone that is used in the manufacture of these surfaces, tend to be very porous. This is why you never want to soak them with water. These products should be cleaned with a damp cloth. There are also a number of stone-specific solutions that can be used to eliminate tougher messes and to reinforce and protect and sealants that have been used.

In addition to using the right cleaning solutions, make sure that you are never over-saturating these surfaces. This is not the best place to set up your mop bucket, allow people to kick off their rain boots, or hang wet jackets. Be sure to put protective floor coverings down whenever you think that moisture exposure is going to be a serious issue.

It is vital to have these surfaces sealed by qualified professionals on a regular basis. Your provider will tell you how to maintain a good seal and how long each seal should last. Different applications and different methods of using them will produce different results. Thus, you should consult with your contract to know more about this coating, its benefits, drawbacks and required maintenance.

Make every effort to avoid letting acidic liquids or solids touch these surfaces. Highly acidic products can cause a noticeable and permanent problems known as etching. This is especially important to remember when installing any marble features in your kitchen. Even exposure to a small amount of lemon juice or other citrus juice could have potentially devastating effect.



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