Some people like to live what is called an off grid lifestyle. This means that you are not connected to municipal water or sewer services, and often electricity as well. This means that you would have to get your water some other way, and under deck rainwater tanks are a great way to do it.
You can use the collected water for your garden, which is what most people use it for. This lets you take care of your plants and even grow food while cutting down on the demand for water that could raise your bill. You can also safely use it for cleaning your clothes, bathing, and flushing your toilet, which also helps conserve quite a bit.
It is possible to drink the rain you collect from a tank as well. But you must be sure that the container is a food grade one, as not all of them are. Failure to do so could result in an off taste or other issues that make the liquid unpalatable.
Most of these containers come with a spigot of some sort near the bottom. This spigot can be used on its own by simply twisting the included handle to release the liquid. If you want to use it on your plants directly, you can attach your hose to the spigot easily. Many models also come with a strainer screen or basket for placing at the top. This keeps things like leaves, sticks sand other debris from entering the tank and contaminating the supply.
If you want the contents of the tanks to go directly into your home for use washing dishes or something similar, you will need extra equipment, such as a pump. Some manufacturers will sell you a separate pump kit to accomplish this. With a pump properly installed, you can then turn on any faucet connected to it, and the collected rainwater will come right out.
These tanks come in a wide variety of colors to match your yard or property decor. Some can be bought in shades of green or brown so they blend into the environment and look almost like nature put them there. They also come in a wide variety of sizes to suit your needs. Smaller ones may only hold a few dozen gallons, while the largest can hold 500 or more gallons at once.
While most users store them above ground, there are some models that can be buried underground to keep them out of the way. This way, you can still use your yard or property to its fullest, safe in the knowledge that should an emergency occur or you go through a drought, there are gallons upon gallons of water buried safely underneath.
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